Our males
WCF World
Diamond of Jewel
Breed: British shorthair (BRI)
Color:White with orange eyes
(w 62)
Birthday: 11.05.2003
Sir: Gr.I.Ch. Matthew (BRI w 62) 
Dam: Nefertiti Star King'z (BRI a)
San-Sity's Vinky
of Jewel
Breed:Scottish Straight(SFS71)
Color:Blue silver classic tabby
(as 22)
Birthday: 28.08.2003
Sir: E.Ch. Jollycat`s Richard Silver Line
(SFS as 22) 
Dam: Viana Silver Shar (BRIas22)
WCF Champion
of Europe
July Charles Jewel
Breed: Scottish-fold (SFS)
Color: Black smoke
Birthday: 10.04.2005
Sir: Gr.I.Ch.Charles Jasming 
du Sharbon (SFS ns) 
Dam: Scarlett Fancy Friends
(BRI ns)
WCF Champion
of Europe
ZHulian Lantsef Jewel
Breed: Persian (PER)
Color: Cream
Birthday: 03.11.2004
Sir: Ch. Filandzheri Koetano
de TSez (PER a) 
Dam: TSejja Sejmur Izabel (PER e 33)
WCF Grand
Champion of Europe
George Juven
Dzhemmi of Jewel
Breed: Don sphynx (DSX)
Color: Blue tabby
(a 21)
Birthday: 26.06.2004
Sir: Gr.I.Ch.Juventus Ronald
(DSX a) 
Dam: Ch.Reggae Dzhemmi (DSXa21)
Zolotko Jewel
Breed: Scottish-fold (SFS)
Color: Black silver spotted tabby
(ns 24)
Birthday: 09.05.2006
Sir: Elite Brand's Nautilus
(SFS ds 24) 
Dam: Ursa Vidzheral (BRI ns 21)
WCF Grand
Champion of Europe
Henry II
Breed: Kurilian bobtail (KBL)
Color: Red mackerel tabby/white
(d 2303)
Birthday: 18.04.2004
Sir: I.Ch.Lubomir Forbarra of Barrayar
(KBL d 2203) 
Dam: Ch.Lajfa (KBL d 2103)